Looking After Your Feet by Lee Freeman

Your feet are used and abused on a daily basis, with barely a thought spared for their well being. In fact, most people completely neglect their feet until they stop functioning correctly and by this stage it can already be too late! In addition to being a cause of limited mobility, the health of your feet can directly impact other parts of your body in a negative way.

Luckily for you, skilled chiropractors and podiatrists are here to help. With their training and experience they will be able to spot any issues with your feet well before any major problems arise. The below guide has been designed to highlight some of the major problems caused by poor foot care, as well as some of the ways in which these issues can be treated.

Spinal Problems

Very few people realise that many spinal and back pain problems can be traced back to your feet. By wearing poor shoes or otherwise mistreating your feet, you can actually be throwing your whole body out of its optimum alignment.

Because very few people understand the root cause of their back pain, they tend to simply treat the symptoms. While this can give great short term relief, it can cause even further problems down the line. Pain is your bodies way of telling you something is wrong and you should listen to it!


The very first step you need to take in addressing any foot or spinal problems is to get a correct diagnosis. Far too many people rely on their own intuition, or even the internet, to try and diagnose issues. This is foolhardy and frankly a bit dangerous. The only way that you can get the right treatment is to consult a chiropractor. They will then be able to either treat you themselves, or refer you onto a podiatrist who are specialists in feet and the mechanics of walking.

Shoe Selection

If you end up seeing a podiatrist, almost the first thing they will speak to you about will be correct shoe choice. The shoes that we chose to wear have a massive bearing on our entire posture and spinal alignment. For example, flat shoes do not give proper arch support, whilst wearing high heels too often places undue stress on the front of your feet.

There are actually a wide range of shoes that offer all the support you need. Your podiatrist will be able to suggest some different brands and styles that are best suited to the shape of your feet. By simply changing the type of shoes you buy, pain in both your feet and your back can be reduced significantly.

Orthotic Inserts

A more intensive corrective process is the production and fitting of orthotic inserts. Orthotics are shaped specifically to your feet, in a way which offers them the exact support that you need. They can then be fitted into your existing shoes. There are probably people around you right now using orthotics and you have never even realised! Orthotics are more expensive than simply changing your shoes, but they can be the only solution in some situations.

For more information, or a consultation, contact your nearest chiropractic clinic for an appointment today.

This may come as a surprise but healthy feet and correct walking posture greatly benefits overall body fitness. Find chiropractic services… 

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